Package jsutil.compress

Framework to compress JavaScript code, including aggregation and configurable display of each process' statistics.


TOP        Class Summary
JSCReplace Random string replacement functions, tailored to JavaScript compression.
JSCStatistics Statistics from a JavaScript file's compression process.
JSCStep A single step in a JavaScript file's compression process.
JSCXtraInfo Extra descriptive information regarding a single compression process.
VWJSCStatistics The statistics for multiple compression processes, with ways to automatically gather and display them.

TOP        Package jsutil.compress Description

Framework to compress JavaScript code, including aggregation and configurable display of each process' statistics.

For real-world usage, see the build process for validate_form.js.

Example compression

This is almost the exact compression process I use for the actual validate_form.js JavaScript file, in the validate_form.js project.

Assume everything below is in C:\test_jsutil_compression\

Take this JavaScript file: uncompressed\validate_form.js

and this code:

Run it with from a command prompt, by navigating to C:\test_jsutil_compression\, and then calling
   java TestJSUtilCompression > C:\test_jsutil_compression\log\compression_vfmax.log

Here is the log (statistics at the bottom), tab delimited data file, final result, and each step in the process:

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