ACTUALLY PROVIDED COMMAND LINE: ------------ java jsutil.compress.VWJSCStatistics -tddf C:\vwjscs_test\tddf.txt -ccfg C:\vwjscs_test\cconfig.txt -dfltclvl stdmax -tmplmain C:\vwjscs_test\compression.html -tmpltoc C:\vwjscs_test\toc_item.tmpl -tmplbody C:\vwjscs_test\body.tmpl -tmplstep C:\vwjscs_test\body_step_row.tmpl -bldbase ../ -rurllogdir log/ -rurlstepdir documentation/log/ -chopdec 8 -destfile C:\vwjscs_test\output.html -dbg ------------ Commamnd line parameters for writeStatDocs [strings only]: tddf: C:\vwjscs_test\tddf.txt cmprsn config: C:\vwjscs_test\cconfig.txt s_defaultCLevel: stdmax flr_mainTemplate: C:\vwjscs_test\compression.html flr_tocRow: C:\vwjscs_test\toc_item.tmpl flr_bodySection: C:\vwjscs_test\body.tmpl flr_cStepRow: C:\vwjscs_test\body_step_row.tmpl s_rUrlToBldBase: ../ s_rUrlLogDir: log/ s_rUrlStepDir: documentation/log/ i_chopDec: 8 ow_output: C:\vwjscs_test\output.html optr_dbg: (new OSysDotOut()) Uncompressed: js_uncompressed/validate_form.js Compressed: js_maxc/validate_form.js Log: compression_vfmax.log Compress lvl: max Step Name BYTES FrmO %O %Oi FrmP %P %Pi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 158603 ELIM_MLCS 73949 84654 46.625 53.374 84654 46.625 53.374 ELIM_XCSTDs 72913 85690 45.972 54.027 1036 98.599 1.4009 ELIM_XCMAXs 57409 101194 36.196 63.803 15504 78.736 21.263 SPC_X_SPC 40099 118504 25.282 74.717 17310 69.847 30.152 NL_X_NL 32666 125937 20.596 79.403 7433 81.463 18.536 IDENTS_RPLCD 26682 131921 16.823 83.176 5984 81.681 18.318 Uncompressed: js_uncompressed/vf_dbgVF.js Compressed: js_stdc/vf_dbgVF.js Log: compression_dbg.log Compress lvl: stdmax Step Name BYTE FrmO %O %Oi FrmP %P %Pi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4085 ELIM_COMMENTS 2190 1895 53.610 46.389 1895 53.610 46.389 SPC_X_SPC 2032 2053 49.742 50.257 158 92.785 7.2146 NL_X_NL 1747 2338 42.766 57.233 285 85.974 14.025 IDENTS_RPLCD 1295 2790 31.701 68.298 452 74.127 25.872 Uncompressed: js_uncompressed/vf_stASIF.js Compressed: js_maxc/vf_stASIF.js Log: compression_stasifmax.log Compress lvl: max Step Name BYTE FrmO %O %Oi FrmP %P %Pi ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5545 ELIM_MLCs 3833 1712 69.125 30.874 1712 69.125 30.874 ELIM_XCMAXs 2290 3255 41.298 58.701 1543 59.744 40.255 ELIM_SLCs 979 4566 17.655 82.344 1311 42.751 57.248 SPC_X_SPC 926 4619 16.699 83.300 53 94.586 5.4136 NL_X_NL 678 4867 12.227 87.772 248 73.218 26.781 IDENTS_RPLCD 490 5055 8.8367 91.163 188 72.271 27.728 LINE 2 [delim=^]: ' dl1_validate_form_max' LINE 4 [delim=^]: ' dl1_vf_stASIF_max' LINE 6 [delim=^]: ' dl1_vf_dbgVF' LINE 10 [delim=^]: ' dr_validate_form_max' LINE 13 [delim=^]: ' dr_vf_stASIF_max' LINE 14 [delim=^]: ' dr_vf_dbgVF' LINE 17 [delim=^]: ' wd_validate_form_max' LINE 19 [delim=^]: ' wd_vf_stASIF_max' LINE 21 [delim=^]: ' wd_vf_dbgVF ' addJSCXtraInfo...START Original order of JSCStatistics: 0: validate_form_max 1: vf_dbgVF_stdmax 2: vf_stASIF_max All c-levels: ['max', 'stdmax'] Ordered, with config vars: validate_form_max [0] dl1_ [Maximum compression, with no erro...] dr_ [

Line two...


Line three...Core functionality. Always downl...] vf_stASIF_max [1] dl1_ [Maximum compression, with no error-check...] dr_ [] wd_ [When the Core functionality.Maximum compression, wit...] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_tocRow] TF Fill compression_level [max] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_cmprsd [js_maxc/] TF Fill js_no_post_cmprsd [vf_stASIF] TF Fill when_downloaded [When the va...] TF Fill original_bytes [5545] TF Fill compressed_bytes [490] TF Fill percentage_improved [91.16321] TF Fill percentage_of_original [8.836789] TF Fill jsc_summary [Maximum compression, wit...] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_tocRow] TF Fill compression_level [stdmax] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_cmprsd [js_stdc/] TF Fill js_no_post_cmprsd [vf_dbgVF] TF Fill when_downloaded [When you activate...] TF Fill original_bytes [4085] TF Fill compressed_bytes [1295] TF Fill percentage_improved [68.29865] TF Fill percentage_of_original [31.70134] TF Fill jsc_summary [Standard compression, wi...] TF Fill all_toc_items [] TF EXTERNAL FILL COMPLETED: 'all_toc_items' TF Fill total_bytes_original [168233] TF Fill total_bytes_compressed [28467] TF Fill average_improvement [83.078] TF Fill avg_prctg_of_orig [16.921] TF Fill avg_bytes_original [56077] TF Fill avg_bytes_compressed [9489] TF STARTING EXTERNAL FILL: 'all_body_items' TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_bodySection] TF Fill rurl_build_base [../] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_cmprsd [js_maxc/] TF Fill js_no_post_cmprsd [validate_form] TF Fill compression_level [max] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_uncmprsd [js_uncompressed/] TF Fill js_no_post_uncmprsd [validate_form] TF Fill log_url [log/compression_vfmax.log] TF Fill when_downloaded [Core functionality. Always downl...] TF Fill original_bytes [158603] TF Fill jsc_desc_line_one [Maximum compression, with no erro...] TF Fill jsc_desc_the_rest [

Line two...

Line three...

] TF STARTING EXTERNAL FILL: 'all_step_rows' TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [documentation/log/zc_validate_form_max_1...] TF Fill index [1] TF Fill byte_count [73949] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [84654] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [46.62522] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [53.37477] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [84654] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [53.37477] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [53.37477] TF Fill description [Eliminated all comments.] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [documentation/log/zc_validate_form_max_2...] TF Fill index [2] TF Fill byte_count [72913] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [85690] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [45.97201] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [54.02798] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [1036] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [1.400965] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [1.400965] TF Fill description [Eliminated my personal sanity checks.] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [documentation/log/zc_validate_form_max_3...] TF Fill index [3] TF Fill byte_count [57409] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [101194] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [36.19666] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [63.80333] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [15504] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [21.26369] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [21.26369] TF Fill description [Eliminated error checking.] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [documentation/log/zc_validate_form_max_4...] TF Fill index [4] TF Fill byte_count [40099] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [118504] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [25.28262] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [74.71737] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [17310] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [30.15206] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [30.15206] TF Fill description [Eliminated unneeded spaces.] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [documentation/log/zc_validate_form_max_5...] TF Fill index [5] TF Fill byte_count [32666] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [125937] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [20.59607] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [79.40392] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [7433] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [18.53662] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [18.53662] TF Fill description [Eliminated unneeded line breaks.] TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_cStepRow] TF Fill step_source_url [../js_maxc/validate_form.js] TF Fill index [6] TF Fill byte_count [26682] TF Fill bytes_since_orig [131921] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_orig [16.82313] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_orig [83.17686] TF Fill bytes_since_prev [5984] TF Fill bytes_prctg_of_prev [18.31874] TF Fill bytes_prctg_imprv_over_prev [18.31874] TF Fill description [Replaced all identifiers with one/two ch...] TF Fill all_step_rows [] TF EXTERNAL FILL COMPLETED: 'all_step_rows' TF Template: setTemplate named [Template from flr_bodySection] TF Fill rurl_build_base [../] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_cmprsd [js_maxc/] TF Fill js_no_post_cmprsd [vf_stASIF] TF Fill compression_level [max] TF Fill rurl_dir_bld_to_uncmprsd [js_uncompressed/] TF Fill js_no_post_uncmprsd [vf_stASIF] TF Fill log_url [log/compression_stasifmax.log] TF Fill when_downloaded [When the